

Knitting Patterns

Contact to Canada Comforts

South Peace United Church 2022

Canada Comforts and Compassionate Warehouse

The Compassionate Warehouse and Canada Comforts are staffed 100% by volunteers.
Nothing is shipped unless it is requested so we know exactly where it goes and who receives it.
Most of the supplies are sent to orphanages and hospitals.

Requests for items used in housekeeping

1 - Cotton wash clothes.

(dish clothes) Please make sure these are no larger than 12 inches square. The
larger ones are harder to handle

2 - Shorts

If we are putting in the elastic, please sew down the seam allowances at the back of the casing as well as the front, to allow the elastic to be threaded easily. Waist bands must be large enough for 1 inch elastic.

3 - Panties

We are collecting girls' panties from size 2 to 14 to go into the pocket of the dresses and skirts. We are short of the larger sizes.

4 - Publicity

We are not on face book - in fact we have not a web page of our own. We try to avoid publicity of any sort, because we are growing fast enough by word-of-mouth. We want to remain a purely volunteer society, and we cannot handle a bigger work load.

5 - Garment Sizes

It is a tremendous help when you put the size on the dresses, skirts or shorts.

6 - Receiving Blankets

Although 44 inches square is an ideal size, we will take smaller ones as well. Some of you have older flannelette, and it may not be 44 inches wide, so whatever the width of your fabric, square it up and it will be fine. If they are too small we can use them for diapers.

7 - Toques

Remember that any pattern will be fine. In fact any pattern for anything is fine. The only ones we hope you will use our pattern for are the bears and bags.

8 - Bears

Right now we are short of bears. This does not mean the "comfort" or "Izzy" dolls. We mean our pattern. I think the picture was taken in Uganda.

9 - Bags

Please remember that they are 13 inches wide. The pattern has been designed to help a child who is blind and or is a landmine victim. We would really appreciate it if you would use our pattern and carefully follow the measurements and casing instructions.

- Contact us for more information.

Phone us at (250)782-2636 or send us an e-mail

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