Canada Comforts

The Compassionate Warehouse and Canada Comforts are staffed 100% by volunteers.
Nothing is shipped unless it is requested so we know exactly where it goes and who receives it.
Most of the supplies are sent to orphanages and hospitals.

Teddies for Canada Comforts

A Teddy Pattern For A Third World Child

The following is a guide based on using 4-ply yarn. Tension must be tight enough that stuffing does not show through.
If your yarn seems thin (different brands vary) use finer needles, some applies if your tension is loose.


Canadian size 9-Metric 3.75mm


4 Ply Knitting Worsted or equivalent weight.
Three colours: 1st for trousers, 2nd for sweater, 3rd for paws and face.


Paws, pants, sweater and arms are in garter stitch (plain). The head is stocking stitch(one row knit, one row purl, repest).
Leave a five-inch tail of yarn when changing colours, for sewing up the seams.

Paws and Trouser Leg

Cast on 10 stitches in paw colour and knit 10 rows. Change to trouser colour and knit 30 rows. Leave on spare needle and knit and knit another leg to match.

Trouser Body

Knit across 2 legs (20 stitches) and knit 16 rows to complete trouser front.


Change to sweater colour and knit 12 rows


Cast on 10 stitches at the beginning of the nest 2 rows. You now have 40 stitches total. Knit another 10 rows, for a total of 12.


Slip first 10 stitches on a stitch holder. Change to paw colour. Knit 20 stitches. Slip last 10 stitches on a stitch holder. Continue with paw colour and knit 6 inches in stocking stitch. (Knit 1 row, Purl 1 row)

Sweater Back

With right side facing and sweater colour, slide first 10 stitches from holder onto needle with the center 20, and knit across the 30, when you come to the other 10 stitches slip them into spare needle and knit them on. Continue for 12 rows.


At the beginning of the next 2 rows cast off 10 sts., leaving your center 20. Work another 12 rows.

Trouser Body

Change to trouser colour and knit 16 rows.

(This pattern has the arms kntted in rather than sewn in separately)

Trouser Leg and Paws

Knit 10 stitches and leave the rest of the stitches on a spare needle. Knit 30 rows in trouser colour. Change to paw colour and knit 10 rows. Knit remaining leg to match the first.


To make the paws use you paw colour and at the end of each arm, with right side facing, pick up 10 stitches. Work 10 knit rows and cast off. Make the remaining paw to match.

Sewing up

Sew around inside-out bear leaving an opening for stuffing. Turn right side out for stuffing, stuff, close hole. Use a running stitch on top corners of head to make ears. Sew eyes, nose and mouth on face with wool or embroidery floss. !!!!No buttons or beads please!!!! Sew running stitches around neck base and draw up to shape head and neck.


Cast on 75 stitches, knit 5 rows, cast off. Attach at back of neck so scarf can be undone but not taken off and lost.


Acrylic filling is best. Do not use foam, which can be dangerous to the children. Old nylons and fabric scraps are much too lumpy and not soft to touch.

The legs, body and head are knit in one continuous piece.

pattern for bear

Bag Pattern

bag pattern pg 1

bag pattern pg 2

Crocheted Teddy Bear

crochet teddy

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