South Peace United Church

Grace Lutheran

South Peace United Church 11101-17th St Dawson Creek B.C.
This is shared location with Grace Lutheran
(250) 782-2636

Welcomes You

Sunday services are at 10:30 am

We share Worship Service with our Lutheran friends
This is an opportunity to support both congregations

Any extra or seasonal services can be found under upcoming events.

We are not alone,
We live in God’s World


General Information

About Us

A History of Our Church

A New Creed

Canada Comforts

South Peace Players



Contact Us

Donate Now Through!

Church Opportunities

O Brother, Where Art Thou?

Sign up sheets for volunteers are on the table at the back of the sanctuary and are:
  • to read scripture on Sunday mornings

More Links
United Church of Canada
Eglise unie du Canada
Alberta and Northwest Conference
The United Church Observer
The Upper Room
Search The Web

Gifts with Vision
South Peace Community Arts Council

The Compassionate Warehouse is a charity in Victoria, with two warehouses for storing and distributing a wide variety of donated items: clothing, school supplies, tools for construction and farming, medical supplies, sewing suplies etc.

Canada Comforts is a smaller charity that receives mostly sewen and knitted items and after checking and sorting, gives them to the Compassionate Resource Warehouse for distribution to anywhere in the world that it is needed. Canada Comforts has a pallet in the warehouse where our donations arrive. All items are sent out in containers as requested by the country or charity receiving them.

In 2022, United with Grace sent down the following to a relay point in the Lake Country (Coast Distributors) to be forwarded to Victoria. We also had one shipment sent by the local Roseneau Trucking Co.

Items sent:

At the beginning of March 2023 a further tenty–four cubic feet of created and donated goods were taken to a freight terminal in Lake Country in the Okanagan. This was further transported to Canada Comforts in Victoria for further distribution around the world.

General Information
If you wish to contact us
Please email or leave a message on the answering machine with contact information.

Phone 250-782-2636

If you wish to help us financially, there is a DONATE NOW button under links.
This takes you to a secure site moderated by Canada Helps which has a donation link for South Peace United Church. Receipts will be issued.

Office Hours
Thursday 10:30am till 2:30pm approximately
email and phone messages are regularly monitored

Like our facebook page!

Click on the Facebook button under links

for update notifications delivered to your email inbox.

Vision Statement (2013)

South Peace United Church comes together in loving friendship to celebrate God's presence among us and to live out the love of Christ in community and in the environment.

St. Mark's Ecumenical Food Bank

Please keep the food bank in mind with your weekly givings.

Canada Comforts

Patterns for the Teddy Bear Program

Please click on Canada Comforts button on upper left of this page for patterns and information.
We can supply some yarn for this project.
See Canada Comforts link above for a current list of needs.
Knitted Touques for Local babies

There is also an effort by volunteers to knit touques for every newborn baby at Dawson Creek and District Hospital

You are invited

to send any suggestions as to what you would like to see on the S.P.U.C Website. Got any ideas? Any suggestions? Let me Know, just click here.

Upcoming Events

  • Fall Fair Pie Booth
Through a combination of events, there will be no pie booth sponsored by the United Church this year

    is our email address

  • On an ongoing basis

There are weekly in person services that can also be emailed to you. Just make sure Marlene has your email address. There are weekly You Tube services as well.

Please let Marlene know and the links for these will be sent to you as well.

stained glass

Please direct any Questions or Comments to the Webmaster

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South Peace United Church Dawson Creek B.C.
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